Grade Glide: Your Passport to the German Grading System

How to Use the Grade Conversion Tool

Welcome to the Grade Conversion Tool! This simple tool is designed to help you convert your university grades to the German grading system. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. Enter Your University’s Maximum Grade: In the first field, input the highest grade possible at your university. For example, if the best grade is an A+ and you use a numerical system where A+ equals 1, enter ‘1’.
  2. Enter Your University’s Minimum Passing Grade: In the second field, provide the lowest grade required to pass a course at your university. Continuing with our example, if a D is the minimum passing grade and corresponds to 5, enter ‘5’.
  3. Enter Your Current Overall Grade: In the third field, type in the numerical value that represents your current overall grade based on your university’s grading system.
  4. Convert Your Grade: After filling in all the fields, click the ‘Convert’ button. The tool will automatically calculate and display your equivalent grade in the German system in the last field.
Grade Conversion Tool

Grade Conversion Tool

Note: The German grading system ranges from 1.0 (very good) to 5.0 (fail), with 4.0 being the passing mark. Our tool uses a linear transformation formula to map your grade onto this scale.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

ECTS Grading Scale

  1. Understanding ECTS (ECTS Grading Scale): The ECTS Grading Scale, also known as the European Credit and Transfer and Accumulation System, is a grading system established by the European Commission. It’s designed to aid students in their transition from one university to another by providing a universal grading platform. This system allows for the interchangeability of local and international grades, ranging from A to F. The ECTS is not intended to be used on its own, but rather as an option to translate grades from one institution to another. Furthermore, the ECTS was developed to assist students in their studies and transfer credits from one university to another by giving proper recognition to the study received there.
  2. Calculating ECTS: To determine your ECTS for a specific subject, you need to add up your weekly credit hours for the subject, multiply it by the total weeks for the subject, and then divide it by 30 (since 1 ECTS equals 30 hours). This will give you the total ECTS for the subject. Alternatively, you can use our ECTS Calculator to do this calculation.
  3. ECTS for a Master’s Degree: Typically, a Master’s degree is equivalent to 60 ECTS for a one-year program and 120 ECTS for a two-year program.
  4. Meaning of 180 ECTS Credits: 180 ECTS credits correspond to a three-year Bachelor’s program. A two-year Master’s program, on the other hand, is equivalent to 120 ECTS credits.
  5. Converting Grades to ECTS: You can use our below ECTS Calculator to convert your native credits to European credits.
ECTS Calculator

ECTS Calculator

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